Reputation Through Exemplary Performance

Ethically corporate
Our company philosophy supports employee growth by providing in-house training to all staff members on all company, cultural, ethical aspects as well as self-awareness and responsibility.We promote from within the company, developing the skills of our employees and ensuring the continuous advancement of English Press as a business and a community.
English Press has recently signed the Code of Ethics for Business in Kenya which is an initiative by the Kenyan community to promote and enhance the ethics of business conduct in Kenya in line with the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact in the areas of Human Rights, Labour Standards, Environment and Anti-Corruption.
Socially responsible
English Press strongly believes in promoting education. We support several educational institutions with monetary donations all year round.
We support local licensed small businesses in supplies and offer mentorship programs.
Environmentally conscious
We utilise recycling processes for paper, used oils, scrap metals, plates and films. Our in-house dilution chamber ensures that waste discharged from English Press meets all National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) and City Council standards before being disposed of.